Common Conditions

Services Offered

At Modern Movement Clinic, we know you’re unique and we wouldn’t have it any other way. That’s why each session is specifically catered towards you. Even if you have the same “injury” as your buddy did last year, this doesn’t ensure the same things will help. We all have different levels of activity, schedules, stress levels, and wants and needs. We offer a wide range of therapies and strength programming to meet your needs.

After your first visit, your Doctor will create a specific treatment plan for you and using many of the therapies below:

The examination is highly detailed and using video allows us to slow down the movement to get the full story and answers.  This is done with live and virtual appointments as this allows us to go through your function together and how this may or may not have relevance to your complaints.


A thorough examination through video analysis allows for a concise and progressive rehabilitation and exercise plan. Your specific exercise plan will be catered to work on what we find causing your complaints along with moving you towards meeting your goals.

During the appointments at the clinic, there are many other tools that can be used to modify the pain you may experience. There’s many forms that are coming to light like the use of cupping, specific taping, vibration or percussive guns, tools or instruments and traditional hands on or massage. Many try to separate these but the function is all similar, some just respond better to some over others.

What is it?
Using the strategies and mentality of Motion Palpation Institute, we use biomechanics and movement to address areas that may need mobilization. This is used by many evidence based chiropractors as opposed to using terms like “subluxation” and “bone out of place”.

Why do we use it?
We use this to treat joint areas that feel immobile based on examination. This ensures the safety and application of the adjustment so that there is no question that this area needs mobilization. We put the body in a safe position and apply a quick, specific push or pull. This can at times help with pain mitigation as well.

How does it work for me?
Like mentioned before, adjustments CAN have a pain mitigating effect, as well as, giving us a window of time to help increase mobility with active exercise. This is not for everyone and will be openly discussed with the Doctor. We often use this for neck, mid back, and low back pain along with sometimes increasing mobility at the ankle and other joints.

What is it?
Soft tissue therapy encompasses a few different styles of working around the soft tissue areas that can be stiff and tense from the nervous system. Many people claim this changes areas of scar tissue but most evidence shows this is not the case. When muscles or other tissues become over-stressed or injured, they can become sensitive through the nervous system trying to protect that area. We use these soft tissue techniques to help modulate the pain in the area to a lower level that allows us to implement strength exercises.

Why do we use it?
Using a few different ways at Modern Movement Clinic, we use ART (Active Release Technique) as a means of applying light compression over the area of tension and applying a small stretch through a range of motion to help work through possible range of motion that are painful. We also use a technique called IASTM (also known as Graston) that stands for Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization. Here we use a tool to work through superficial
pain receptors applying motion with the tool to areas that are painful to again allow for increases in mobility and pain mitigation. Lastly, we use other tools like percussive therapy with a vibration gun and flossing bands that wrap around a joint area to help increase range of motion.

How does it work for me?
Everyone has a different reaction to all therapies, some people may actually become more tight after manual (with the hands) soft tissue or adjustments. Having a wide variety of ways to get the nervous system to calm down is vital in helping EVERY client move forward with progress. This can be discovered through the examination process.

What is it?
This is a western medicine based interpretation of acupuncture where we use small filament needles to create a twitch response (think of it like when the Doctor taps your knee at the Doctor’s office). The needles are very thin and therefore, rarely, if ever, is there any blood because the needle is thin enough to pass through the skin as opposed to puncturing it like with a blood draw or your COVID vaccine.

Why do we use it?
Much like the Soft Tissue Treatments and Chiropractic Adjustments or Manipulation, this is used for pain mitigation. Chances are if you’ve had success with this in the past, you’ll likely see benefit now. This gives us a window of time to work through ranges of motion that may have been painful prior to but can now be loaded into with strength and rehab exercise. How cool! We can use this for headaches, low back or neck pain, hip pain, running injuries, and just about anything you can think of with musculoskeletal pain.

How does it work for me?
As with some of the other passive therapies (this is what Soft Tissue & Manipulation are meaning done TO you), some nervous systems do NOT do well with dry needling and become more tense. The intent is to obviously do the opposite. Like mentioned above, you will know this from past experience or through examination. The goal of dry needling is simply to calm down the nervous system to allow us to open up ranges of motion and regulate your nervous system.

What is it?
This is the use of patches or during Dry Needling with having a controllable and mild electric current that is applied around the area of pain. This is considered part of the passive therapy regimen.

Why do we use it?
Pain mitigation comes in so many different forms and ways, and this is simply another passive therapy we have available to us at Modern Movement Clinic to help reduce pain and get us to moving much more!

How does it work for me?
Like we’ve mentioned above, some people just respond better to different ways of treatment. Some people find this much more calming to use pads if they have a aversion to needles. The pulse that you experience feels much like a thumping or heart beat sensation. We leave this going for a few minutes as this can help reduce some pain sensations and allow us to get into some active therapy.

What is it?
Think of Neuromobilization as a particular performed movement or motion that allows the nerves of an area to feel a little more mobile and bring about pain modification in regards to work with the nerves exclusively. We do these repetitively over the course of time while also modifying some behaviors that may elicit this response from the nervous system and you guessed it, doing active exercise.

Why do we use it?
Sometimes our nervous system likes to talk to other areas around a source of pain. Things like carpal tunnel syndrome, tarsal tunnel syndrome, and other nerve entrapment issues that range from numbness/tingling or shooting type pains into the hands, feet, and various parts of the extremities can benefit from neuromobilization.

How does it work for me?
Depending on how the nervous system likes this technique, we often use this in things like sciatica or those mentioned above to help alleviate the numbness/tingling. This is a great adjunct with strength training and has been shown to alleviate symptoms much faster than rest alone.

What is it?
Strength and conditioning programming is a highly valuable too to increase your strength and has been shown to help avoid injury whether for sport of life in general. Using our assessments, we put together a specific program that focuses on your needs from a personal level and biomechanical level to help get you to reach your goals.

Why do we use it?
Because we don’t do much good sitting on the Injured List. We use our knowledge base of movement, the motions and actions of your sport, and principles of strength to help increase your capacity for work. This helps you stay in the game, match, or race and perform at the standard that your mind knows you can.

How does it work for me?
This isn’t just 3 sets of 10. We know not just what lifts and movements are good, we also personalize this program to YOU. Perhaps your goal is increasing your mobility or maybe focusing on some prior areas you’ve had problems with. This is all about getting acquainted with picking up weight, moving in multiple planes, and training for your sport that benefit you and your goals. Can’t go wrong with getting strong.

What is it?
Ask yourself…do you want to get better faster? We want you to also and no better way to do that than to do some Active Therapy (this is what any exercise is referred to as YOU are the one doing the work). Our Movement Specialists take what we learned from your initial and even follow up examinations to give you a specifically designed exercise protocol based on your needs, limitations, and sport. We often combine these with the passive therapies above.

Why do we use it?
I think we all want to be better faster right? We’re not sure we need to belabor this point. We use active therapy and rehab exercise to provide you with tangible strategies you can use not just now but in the future should recurrence ever happen. Research actually shows that patients improve faster and have a much better outlook on themselves and their pain. Why you ask? A term called self-efficacy. We could do the project for you but what would you learn out of that? Active therapy allows you to feel more in control of your life and therefore lends itself to creating LESS chaos in your mind and MORE long lasting effects for the better with you and your health.

How does it work for me?
Think of this as your personal, catered specifically to you, “we’re doing this for me and MY needs” plan. Strength and exercise has no negative effects for anyone. We give you a progressive program (think starting at addition and subtraction and moving towards algebra and calculus) that focuses on the specific areas we find during the examination.

What is it?
Glute medius tendinopathy, IT band Syndrome, Proximal Hamstring tendinopathy, Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome, Posterior Tibial Tendinopathy, Plantar Fasciitis…if you’re a runner you’ve heard of these or may have even dealt with some of these. At Modern Movement Clinic, running is a specialty of ours and no better way to make sense of how the pain started than to watch the activity you do the most. The funny part of a lot of other clinics is they advertise this elaborate tool that measures 2700 different things in your running but when it comes down to tangible things to apply to your run, there’s not a tool for that. With our vast experience and education, we just need a treadmill, an iPad, and our senses to be able to give you the answers you need. Goes to show that you don’t need the biggest boat out on the lake when all we are doing is fishing. (Dr. Jesse came up with that one)

Why do we use it?
Simply put. We use our analysis to try to keep you running. The last thing we tell people is commonly to stop running all together. If we can keep you running in some capacity, we try to do it based off of what we find on your running analysis. Our analysis commonly tells us the story of WHY this pain is present. Maybe you just want to have form checked and there is no pain at all. Great! We can give you some clues to where you should focus your efforts on strength and strategies for running to either work on mitigating pain or increasing performance. We do it all. Confidently. So much we keep talking and slam the period button. (Imagine us mimicking a fadeaway and yelling “Kobe!” here)

How does it work for me?
We know that many times you’re told “you need to stop running” or “running is bad for you”. We think it’s all a bunch of small minded you know what’s that don’t know how to work with you. At Modern Movement Clinic, you’re damn sure doing something here! You may have to be on the bike or brisk walking for a bit or perhaps it’s a walk:run ratio for time, or maybe you can run we just need to do it in certain environments or techniques with lowering efforts or modifying cadence. We want you to keep running if we can help it! That way you’re happy and because you’re happy, we’re happy.

What is it?
This isn’t your typical physical you get at your primary care facility. This is a systematic biomechanical assessment for your sport that allows you to identify where you should focus your training efforts in strength and injury prevention, whether that’s working with us at Modern Movement Clinic or somewhere else.

Why do we use it?
Think of it as your readiness for your season. Often times we enter a season under trained and under prepared and with that we often see injuries more on the initial part of the start of the season. We at Modern Movement Clinic don’t want you to play catch up but more be the leader of the pack. We use our knowledge of biomechanics and how that relates to your sport to assess you and address them in the training room.

How does it work for me?
We work with a lot of athletes (I mean we’re in Colorado so it’s part of the gig) but also pride ourselves on our knowledge base of how the body moves. We know everyone’s body is different and has different needs. Think of this as your own PERSONAL, personal trainer. We work ahead of your season and sometimes even during your season to work through areas that may be more vulnerable to make them your Ace in your hand so that by the time that first gun goes off at your race, you’re smiling ear to ear.

Client Testimonials

  • Dr. Jesse!! For context, I am a personal trainer and in the “movement is medicine” camp and am wary of prefab/rehab programs that dismiss strength training.

    So: Whenever I encourage somebody... Read More

    Anne Reuss Avatar Anne Reuss

    Dr. Jesse Riley is not your typical chiropractor in the best way. He treats holistically by identifying the route cause of the issue. He incorporates strength training into treatment. It... Read More

    Hillary Osborne Avatar Hillary Osborne

    Great compassionate doctor, always showing concern and solutions for your problerms.

    Sue Brunke Avatar Sue Brunke
  • Dr Jesse Riley has been a tremendous help to me over the past few years and I highly recommend him to any athlete struggling with injuries big or small or... Read More

    melanie white Avatar melanie white

    I am so excited to have found Dr.Jesse..he takes an innovative approach to rehabilitation and is very creative in the ways he teaches your body to heal itself. He's personable... Read More

    Linda Pettit Avatar Linda Pettit

    I have nothing but praise and gratitude for Jesse! I had been experiencing back pain for over a year. Having seen multiple practitioners, medical doctors and trying every holistic approach... Read More

    Lisa Fowler Avatar Lisa Fowler
  • Jesse is an incredible PT and Chiro. I started seeing Jesse back in Sept 2021 for a torn muscle in my hip, and we also decided to work on a... Read More

    Joey Betori Avatar Joey Betori

    I had a chronic pain in my shoulder and collarbone for 3 or 4 years, maybe more. I didn’t think anything could be done about it. I didn’t... Read More

    Chris Triolo Avatar Chris Triolo

    I came in with a lot of hip pain, after trying several other physical therapists, yoga, and strengthening and stretching over the last 5 years. Dr. Jesse ultimately pinpointed... Read More

    Greg Gorman Avatar Greg Gorman
  • Dr. Jesse has been great and I highly recommend him! I was referred to him by my personal trainer to address some of my limitations/struggles.

    Here are some things about him... Read More

    Kristie Lukowicz Avatar Kristie Lukowicz

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